29 July 2009

Cathy Z's tutorial

Now I really have to go and do some housework...I had a go at Cathy Z's tutorial I linked to in the post below. Really happy I now know how to do this. I think I have learnt more in PS in the last few weeks that I have ever, just googling, playing, experimenting,reading, still have a loooong way to go put at least it doesn't scare me as much anymore. both photos are just snap shots, one with my little optio on the underwater setting and the one of Xman and me taken by my SIL at Christmas on her canon P&S. Xave looks a little unsure in this shot but seconds later he was giggling away, I would have put the giggling shot up but it was a shocker of me,yes even worse than this one, and when it comes ot a contest between a kid looking a little unsure and me looking like a witch...well there is no need to guess which one won,lol.


Unknown said...

Cool! and when your done learning...You can teach me! Xx

COCO said...


I can't ever think of a time where I have ever thought you looked like a witch!!You would tell me off for putting myself down. You are gorgeous both on the outside and in your heart. True , genuine, happy, talented and beautiful. Keep on learning whatever it is and enjoy the fruits of your labor. xx coco