26 April 2010

14 years ago

Today at 3 am in the morning a 9lb 7oz baby boy made his hurried entrance into the world, delivered into the loving arms of my sister on my bed at home. Happy birthday Joe.

25 April 2010


"They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
we will remember them."
Dawn service
A day to remember the men and women who fought and died for us.

19 April 2010


Today I started Ali Edward's week in the life project. there will be lots of photo taking over the next week and lots of memory keeping. This is all about your daily life, your routines, even the piles of laundry, yep, it's all part of life. Amongst all the tedium of the everyday life of laundry and vacuuming and dishes this little burst of sunshine arrived in my letter box. I won it a couple of weeks ago on Sam's blog and was super delighted when it arrived today and it fits perfectly. I have been admiring her mad jewelry making skills for some time now and remember seeing these beads on a bracelet she had made and instantly fell in love with them, they remind me so much of the ocean that I miss daily. Sorry about the wacky lighting, I didn't alter my white balance to take this but it still show the gorgeous beads used. I have titled it grateful because I am grateful for the world of bloggers out there and their creativity and their generosity. So Sam if you are reading this, woo hoo, you rock. Makes me think I really should do a 'just because' giveaway, will have to search for something super scrummy so I can pass on the love (of course it will never be as scrummy as this bracelet though:-)keep an eye out, think i have a big number coming up on my number of views so I might do it then.
Cheers for now, have some shopping to do.

13 April 2010

So glad to be back

to having normal Internet access again. I have been having computer problems for a few weeks now and have been blaming the kids because after their computer dying they have been using mine. Any hoo after trying multitudes of things to fix it and nothing working a thought came to me at midnight last night, check your Internet usage, yep that was it, in one week my usage was over 100% for on peak and the same for off peak. Now no one in this house uses off peak so it became time to do some investigating. Fortunately my anti virus(which I had let lapse for a few days so warning people, always check your anti virus is up to date)tells me if someone else is using my Internet and there is was, QE.pc plus one other . Hopefully now the problem is all fixed, the intruders blocked, anti virus up to date and no more slow internet loading, back to seeing all those gorgeous projects everyone is doing.