Just popping in to wish anyone reading a happy first day of autumn. It's my favourite season, love the clear days, the crisp cool nights, the rain (hopefully),the colours. Not that it looks like it yet but when the grape vines change to their brilliant reds and oranges that's when I know it's really here. Photo above courtesy of google images, all my photos from last Autumn are on the external hard drive and I can't be bothered pulling it out.
I like autum... But not as much as winter!!! Nothing like hibernating... snuggling up in a blanket and watching a movie or warm and cosy in bed! Better still out for a walk in the freezing morning air... really wakes you up! But autum that says to me winter is nearly here! But you are right the colours of autum are spectacular!
You guys have autumn that looks like that? Ours looks like that, but from the way my hubby talks he hadn't seen anything like that when in Northern Queensland. WAY COOL!!
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