27 September 2006

It's me...

Handed the camera over to Paddy yesterday and this is what I got, not too bad a photo (if you forgive the tired, bags under the eyes, eyes half shut look, but thats the subject not the photographer) from a 12 year old.

22 September 2006

Another bee.

Another very obliging bee for me to practice using the extension tubes on. This one looks better if yo click on ot to make it bigger...

Ball games anyone???

Joseph always seems to have a ball of some sort in his hands, football, basket ball, tennis ball, you name it he'll be tossing or bouncing it or in this case, spinning it.

Wacky day

Not quite what I envisioned when I said I'd like to take some 'pink' photos but probably more fun. A rushed job 5 minutes before the bell went this morning. Wacky day at school is always means a busy, fun morning.

Gardening fun.

Just some shots taken while the boys were helping? Bendan garden the other day.

14 September 2006

A very obliging bee.

Wasn't he sweet to stay still long enough for me to try out my new extention tubes. A steep learning curve (another one) but these are cool, just gotta get the hang of the focus thing...

Our fat cat, Chocolate...

Our old boy chocky, it seems like he has been around for ever,well at least five or more years anyway. He's very much his own identity and no one gets a pat usless it's on his terms, which is seldom.

12 September 2006

Some class stuff I've taught recently.

The recipe tin started off as a gift for Paddy and ended up being hijacked to use in a class, so what do you do when that happens??? Make a matching clock of course, but Paddy still has nothing yet to put his favourite recipes in. Soon Paddy.

Book week 2005

Seamus as 'Puss in boots'

Posing again

It's great to have at least one of the boys willing to sit and be photographed. Front yard August 06.
Edited to add. Ohhh he looks a little green here.

My baby and his gold medals

This photo makes me grin, taken on a stinkin hot day earlier this year (can't you tell by the colour of his face?). He's so proud of his 'gold medals' , you'd nearly think they were the real thing..